If you have a lot of prizes, this feature can help you with the practicalities.
When it is set up, it will automatically send a questionnaire to the winners, asking them til supply additional information. This way you can have them enter their address, so you can send them their prizes.
You can see this information under 'User details' for each winner, or export a file with all winners and their info.
Setting up the winner questionnaire involves a few steps:
1. Check winner mail and questionnaire content
In 'Edit campaign', make sure the content of the 'Winner mail with questionnaire' and the is ok. You find this under 'Prizes' > 'Winner mails'.
Also check the text in 'Winner questionnaire'
2. Setup up the questionnaire fields
The fields you ask the winners to fill out works in the same way as the sign-up fields. And you set them up the same place.
So navigate to 'Edit campaign' > 'Signup-page'.
Under 'Sign-up fields', add new fields to be shown on the winner questionnaire. Click the 'Add another field'-button:
Set up your fields. They could be 'Full name', 'Street', 'Zip code' and 'City'. Field type for these fields can be 'Text'. For each field, open 'Advanced settings' and change the 'Show field on'-setting to make sure that these new fields are only shown on the winner questionnaire:
Before you leave this page, you need to go back to your existing sign-up fields and make sure that they will not be shown on the winner questionnaire. Open 'Advanced settings' and change the 'Show field on'-setting on these fields to 'All signup pages'.
3. Final step: Setup prizes
You can now choose which prizes should use the winner questionnaire feature.
For each of your prizes, choose if the system should send the ordinary winner mail, or the winner questionnaire, you just set up.
You are now ready to go and have your lucky winners supply the necessary information automatically.
To see this info from the questionnaire, you can go to the Winners-tab and click 'See a summary of previous winners'.
Go to 'user details' for each user to see the info submitted in the questionnaire.
You can also export a CSV-file with all your winners and their info.
In the 'Subscribers'-tab, go to the bottom of the page and choose 'only winners' in the export function:
A popup will show where you can choose the fields to export. Be sure to choose the signup-fields, you specified for the questionnaire, and the 'Prizes won':
Click 'Export CSV' and you will receive an email with a link to your CSV-file. You can open the CSV-file in Excel.