Challenge confirmation

This is the page the participant sees after completing the challenge (or all challenges, if you have more).

Use this page to

  • let the user know if they answered correctly on a question
  • encourage sharing the campaign on social media
  • send traffic to your own website

You edit this page under 'Challenges' -> 'Confirmation'.



Message according to answers

You can enable messages to be shown for correct or wrong answers to a question. This will be shown at the top of the page.

Please note that you need to turn on 'Enable correct message' and 'Enable incorrect message' for each period you want them to be shown.

If you have multiple questions, you can show the number for how many were correct or incorrect. <span class="correct"></span> will insert the number of correct answers. <span class="participations"></span> will insert the total number of questions.

Example: User answered correctly on <span class="correct"></span> questions out of <span class="participations"></span>.


Challenge confirmation

This section is shown to all participants.

Choose between four different content types:

  • Message
  • Message with link
  • Message with image and link
  • Message with image

The challenge confirmation can be segmented towards different personas, so different types of participants sees different confirmation content. Please contact us for more info.


Prize teaser

This section shows a prize. Default is the prize to be won the next day; to entice the participant to come back again. You can set up custom content here, if you want to show something else.


Instant Win challenge messages

These messages are shown, if you a using a challenge with instant win

The Winner-message should alway be filled out and is shown to those, who win.

The Not a winner-message is optional and can be shown to those, who do not win. 



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