Formatting text using Markdown or HTML

On text fields marked with either MARKDOWN or HTML in the lower right corner, you can change the way the content is rendered by toggling between the rendering methods clicking on the blue marking.


Markdown formatting

Formatting is done by using simple characters.



# text - Huge headline
## text - Bigger headline
### text - Big headline
#### text - Medium headline
#### text - Normal headline
##### text - Small headline
###### text - Smallest headline

Alternative Huge headline

Alternative Bigger headline


Line breaks

Insert one line break to create a normal line break.

Insert two line breaks to create a new paragraph. 



*text* or _text_ - Set text in italic
**text** or __text__ - Set text in bold
~~text~~ - Strikethrough text

You can combine the above. I.e. **Bold text with _italic words_**.


HTML formatting

Formatting is done by inserting valid HTML tags.



<h1>text</h1> - Huge headline
<h2>text</h2> - Bigger headline
<h2>text</h2> - Big headline
<h3>text</h3> - Medium headline
<h4>text</h4> - Normal headline
<h5>text</h5> - Small headline
<h6>text</h6> - Smallest headline


Line breaks

<br /> - Line break

<p>text</p> - New paragraph (with space between)



<em>text</em> - Set text in italic
<strong>text</strong> - Set text in bold

You can combine the above. I.e. <strong>Bold text with <em>italic words</em></strong>.



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