Here are a few things, you should check, before you launch your sign-up page:
- Is your contact page set up correctly?
Check 'Edit campaign > General > Contact form' to see if you have updated the two email addresses ('Product enquiry email' and 'Calendar enquiry email'). Any messages sent from the contact form will go to these adresses.
If you are interested, we offer to handle user messages for you. Look for 'End user support' under the Buy-button - Have you updated Terms and conditions?
The default text is just a suggestion. Please update this to reflect the conditions for your campaign, including you company name etc...
The Terms and conditions text is located under 'Edit campaign > Sign-up page' - Update your reply to-email address
In 'Edit campaign > General' under 'Email sender' you should update the 'Reply to'-email address. If the subscribers reply to their sign-up confirmation email or the daily email, it will go to this address.
If you do not specify a reply-to-email address, replys will be sent to the 'Sender'-address. The sender address has to be one of our verified domains to ensure maximum delivery rates. - Are your prizes set up?
Check that your prizes are set up correctly; on the 'Publish' page you get a nice overview of all your prizes and what periods they apply to. - Publish your changes and test your sign-up page and confirmation email
Go to your sign-up page and sign-up yourself. Check that you receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. Check if everything looks fine and that you can see the sign-up under the 'Subscribers' tab. - Activate your campaign by prepaying
If you see the message "Trial expiring!" on the startpage, you need to activate your campaign. Please use the 'Buy'-button in the upper right corner to prepay for at least 700 subscribers. The minimum charge is 1.620 DKK. You can read more about our pricing. - Promote your campaign
Find your campaign URL and promote your campaign. You can post the URL on your Facebook page, on your website, in a newsletter or create a banner-campaign.
Have questions? Please contact us! :-)