
You can set up as many prizes as you want.

Edit your prizes here

Edit campaign > Prizes

Each prize has an image, a title and a description, which is used througout the campaign. If you have a main prize, you can have it show with a large image using the 'Show big picture' checkbox.


You can have different types of prizes:

Single day prize is a prize that can be won just that day.

Main prize is a prize that can span multiple days, e.g. a main prize that can be won when participating in a specific time span, most commonly from first to last day of the campaign.

Repeated prize is a prize that is the same for more days. Each day we will find a new winner for the prize.

Linked prize is a prizes that is linked to the winner of another prize. This prize can be used for giving out side prizes related to the winner of another prize.

You can have as many prizes for each day as you wish.


Winner selection
For each prize you can choose to have the system select a winner for you or do it manually.

Number of winners
Choose how many winners you will have for this prize. 

How winners are found
You have these options for finding a winner:

  1. Correct answers
    Finds a winner among those who have answered correctly. One wrong answer and the user can no longer win. This is useful for a single day prize or a repeated prize, but not so much for the main prize, as it requires the participant to answer correct on all challenges in the period.

  2. Answered on all
    Finds a winner among those who have answered, correctly or incorrectly.

  3. All subscribers
    Finds a winner among all subscribers whether they have answered the challenge or not

  4. Lottery tickets
    Finds a winner among those who have answered correctly in the period of the prize. The more correct answers, the better the chance is to win. 

  5. A sign up field
    Finds a winner among those who filled out a specific sign up field. This could be used to have an extra prize for those who agrees to receive an extra newsletter.


How to not select your own companys email domains

You can type which email domains should be ignored when the system selects winners on the page:

Campaign Name Dropdown > Campaign Settings > Winners


Automatic winner mail
You can choose to have the system notify the winner automatically if you want.



An example of a main prize where the winner is found among everyone who answers correctly during the campaign. The more correct answers, the better a chance for winning.




An example of a daily prize where the winners are found among everyone who answers correctly that day. In this example two winners will be found.


To control how the prizes are presented on the challenge page, please refer to Setting up challenges

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